GS1 digital link QR Code generator (2D barcode)

Access URL
300 x 300 px
Massive generation
Links in CSV
QR Codes in ZIP / SVG
QR Code error correction level
Error correction level
Where will the QR Code be scanned?
Recommended sizes for printing the QR Code on packaging
Error correction levelModules (including border)Minimum size (mm)Target size (mm)Maximum size (mm)
Customize QR Code
Body Style
Body coloring
Background color
QR Code quiet zone
Customize Eyes
Eye outline shape
Shape of the center of the eyes
Eyes colors

Understand the basic syntax of a GS1 Digital Link

Application Identifier [IA]: These are numeric strings between 2 and 4 digits that provide meaning to the data following the AI ??and act as parameter names, such as "01" for GTIN and "21" for serial number, etc.

  • The use of any domain name in the Digital Link URI is permitted - the domain name is not part of the GS1 identification.
  • A GTIN must be preceded by "01" and comprise a GS1 company prefix (GCP), and must be expressed with exactly 14 digits (with leading zeros if necessary).
  • A lot number must be preceded by "10" and can be 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters long.
  • A serial number must be preceded by "21" and followed by 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters.
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Get access to real-time statistics, custom domain, visual interface for registration (no need for spreadsheets), integrated QR Code generator, links redirection with GS1 conformant resolver, NO Code tool for creating content with integrated form and much more...